Shanghai Shenhua

Shanghai Shenhua

Super League 07-27 Saturday 19:35

5 : 3


Guangzhou R&F

Guangzhou R&F

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  • [进球视频] 卢琳角球送助攻 叶楚贵头球攻门扳平比分
  • [Goal video] Shenhua overtook the score and Moreno scored with a wonderful upside-down golden hook
  • [进球视频] 曹赟定送精准长传 莫雷诺凌空抽射扳平比分
  • [进球视频] 富力取得梦幻开局 扎哈维任意球直接破门
  • [击中横梁] 富力前场送妙传 萨巴快速插上劲射击中横梁
  • [错失良机] 申花前场任意球造险 朱辰杰禁区内打门偏出
  • [Youku Full-time Highlights] Chinese Super League-Jin Xinyu wears a hat, Cao Yun sets five goals, Shenhua 5-3 R&F Hao wins three consecutive victories
  • [Goal Video] R&F chased another goal in stoppage time Saba scored with a curling ball from outside the box
  • [进球视频] 曹赟定角球喂饼 金信煜破门上演帽子戏法
  • [Goal Video] Score twice! Kim Shin-wook then inserted a stab shot and then went to the next city
  • [Goal Video] Score twice! Kim Shin-wook then inserted a stab shot and then went to the next city
  • [Goal Video] Score twice! Kim Shin-wook then inserted a stab shot and then went to the next city
  • [进球视频] 卢琳角球送助攻 叶楚贵头球攻门扳平比分
  • [Goal video] Shenhua overtook the score and Moreno scored with a wonderful upside-down golden hook
  • [进球视频] 曹赟定送精准长传 莫雷诺凌空抽射扳平比分
  • [进球视频] 富力取得梦幻开局 扎哈维任意球直接破门
  • [击中横梁] 富力前场送妙传 萨巴快速插上劲射击中横梁
  • [错失良机] 申花前场任意球造险 朱辰杰禁区内打门偏出
  • [Youku Full-time Highlights] Chinese Super League-Jin Xinyu wears a hat, Cao Yun sets five goals, Shenhua 5-3 R&F Hao wins three consecutive victories
  • [Goal Video] R&F chased another goal in stoppage time Saba scored with a curling ball from outside the box
  • [进球视频] 曹赟定角球喂饼 金信煜破门上演帽子戏法
  • [Goal Video] Score twice! Kim Shin-wook then inserted a stab shot and then went to the next city
  • [进球视频] 曹赟定角球送助攻 金信煜跃起头球破门
  • [CCTV全场集锦] 中超-金信煜戴帽曹赟定造五球 申花5-3富力豪取三连胜
  • [优酷] 07月27日 中超第20轮 上海申花vs广州富力 全场录像